We often get asked questions about how to merge PDF documents and the process that we use. Here are some answers to Frequently Asked Questions about PDF merge to help you out.
How to Merge PDF Documents?
At its core, merging PDF documents is taking multiple files and combining them into a single document. This can be done for a variety of reasons: to make it easier to email a large document, conserve storage space, or keep related information together.
There are different ways that you can go about merge PDF documents. The first way is by using an online pdf merger, which will do the work for you. All you need to do is upload the files that you want to be merged into a single PDF and wait for the site to do its job—in most cases, it only takes a few seconds. The second way is by using Adobe Acrobat DC, which is a more versatile program that also lets you split PDFs, rotate pages, convert Word files into PDFs, and more. However, Adobe Acrobat DC does come with a subscription fee.
The third way—and this is the method that we use here at PDFBear—is by using our free and easy-to-use PDF merger. Just like with an online merger, simply upload the files that you want combined into one document onto our site. Once the file has been uploaded, click on ‘Merge now!’ and wait for us to do our magic! In no time at all, your newly merged document will be ready for download so that you can start putting it to good use.
Why Should I Merge My PDF Documents?
There are plenty of reasons why merging your PDF documents can come in handy:
- You won’t have to scroll through numerous emails or files trying to find the right attachment;
- If you need to send someone a bunch of related information but don’t want them to have to goes through different attachments, merging your documents can make their life—and yoursa whole lot easier;
- You can keep all related information in one place so that it’s easy for you (or anyone else) to find later on;
- Less clutter means less stress; and
- In some cases, you may even be able save storage space by merging multiple documents into one.
What kind of documents can I merge?
Most PDF mergers you merge any type of document so long as it is in PDF format. This includes but is not limited to:
- PDFs that have been scanned;
- Images that have been converted to PDF format;
- Word documents that have been saved as PDFs; and
- Excel spreadsheets that have been saved as PDFs.
Generally speaking, if it’s in PDF format, you should be able to merge it with other PDF documents. However, it’s always best to check with the specific merger you’re using to make sure that there are no compatibility issues.
If you’ve been thinking about merging your PDF documents but haven’t gotten around to it yet, we hope this article has answered any questions that you may have had. And if not, remember that you can always contact us for support. We’re always happy to help! In the meantime, why not try out our easy-to-use merger tool? It’s free, fast, and simple!